
GCH CH Amazing Gerard Ravenswood Van Den Iserman Hoeve THDN CGC

The #1 Owner Handled Nederlandse Kooikerhondje in 2022! GCH CH Amazing Luka Van Den Iserman Hoeve and owner handler Amber Corduan! We are so very proud of all these two and owner Hailey Perkins have achieved!

Our handsome Bandit wins hearts and goes select with a line up of more than 25 Kooikers in Orlando, FL (December 2021)!

GCH CH Amazing Gerard Ravenswood Van Den Iserman Hoeve THDN CGC
Preservation Breeder
of Dutch Heritage
The Kooikerhondje breed is not only a passion of mine, but they are my life! The Kooiker and I share our nationality; we are not only both Dutch, but we come from 'Fryslân'! We are also both very high energy and love going for walks to the river! I cannot imagine a life without this amazing little red and white dog.
I was lucky enough to grow up in the Netherlands with a Kooikerhondje I named Boeffie. She and I were partners in crime. We had a connection that you don't find with just any dog. She knew when I would be home and always waited patiently for me. This connection that my Boeffie and I had is the reason I fell in love with the breed so long ago.